Monday, November 15, 2010

Not the greatest excuse.

I was talking to Sara on gchat (and silent skype for a while as well, since Brian was conducting an audible skype interview on the other computer at the time) for ages last night, and when she finally went to bed (rather ridiculously late, her time) I discovered that my mom was watching a Madea movie on tv, and that I sort of like Madea. (I had never seen any of the movies.) Luckily (ha) for me, TBS or whatever it was always shows "encore performances" of the movie they've just shown, so I got to watch the whole thing through again until it ended after, I think, 1 am. See? You see? That's why I try to avoid television. Television makes my already-anemic self control go jump out a third story window. And then I walked Miley, and then I went to bed. Around 2 I guess. I really don't remember.

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